[트루스포럼 월요모임 안내] 2025년 3월 10일 월요모임은 청년모임으로 트루스포럼 워싱턴 방문 후기를 나눌 예정입니다. 일시: 2025년 3월 10일 (월) 오후 7시 장소: 트루스포럼 서울대센터 모든 청년분들을 환영합니다. 관심있는 분들은 편하게 참석해 주세요. <오시는 길> *트루스서포터즈 천만클럽 모집 안내 트루스포럼이 월 천만원 운영비 확보를 목표로 월 1만원 정기후원자 천명을 모집합니다! 대학/청년들을 중심으로 자생적으로 시작된 대한민국 최초의 보수주의 청년조직 트루스포럼이 지속적으로 성장해 나갈 수 있도록 응원해 주세요! *일시후원 : 농협 301-02-18-2222-81 트루스포럼 *정기후원 신청은 아래 링크를 클릭해 주세요 후원신청
[ 워싱턴 특별 세미나 안내] 주제 -Subversion Threats to the Republic of Korea: Anti-state Forces, North Korea, and the Chinese Communist Party (대한민국 체제 전복 위협: 반국가세력, 북한, 그리고 중국 공산당) 일시: 2025.02.25 (화) 장소: Victims of Communism Museum, 2nd floor Conference Room 주최: Truth Forum <프로그램> 10:00 a.m. Registration 10:15 a.m. Welcome Remarks (VOC CEO, Tara O, Lee Jin-soo) 10:30 a.m. Panel presentation and Q&A -Moderator: Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt, AEI -Dr. Tara O, VOC Academic Council: Martial Law and the Impeachment Crisis -David Kim, Truth Forum: Anti-state/pro-NK/pro-CCP forces in South Korea -Gordon Chang
Truth unites us. While political views may differ, we all share a common thirst for truth. Truth is our guiding light—it has the power to heal divisions and set our nation on the right path forward. Truth Forum began as an intercollegiate organization born out of a deep sense of crisis, recognizing that false narratives and inflammatory politics were eroding the very foundations of the Republic of Korea. We honor the proud history of Korea’s founding and economic development, built through the toil and sacrifice of our forefathers. At the same time, we acknowledge the unfinished task of libera
Martial Law in South Korea: A Rare Move Reflecting Political Turmoil Martial law is an unfamiliar, almost alien concept, especially for the younger generation in South Korea. It's been 46 years since 1979, so it's new to them, and it's a testament to the chaotic political situation in South Korea. It's important to understand exactly what the current political context in South Korea is in relation to Yoon's sudden declaration of martial law. South Korea as America’s Mirror South Korea, in many ways, mirrors the United States. The nation’s first president, Syngman Rhee modeled his country after
Truth Forum Statement Congratulating President Trump on His Re-election We extend our sincere congratulations on the re-election of President Donald Trump and hope that America will be restored and be great again on the foundation of universal values. Trump's election has exposed the abysmal state of the Korean media, and it is very disappointing to see that Korean media outlets are copying the left-leaning narratives of the American mainstream media. Due to these negative portrayals, a negative perception of President Trump is dominant among the public, even within conservative groups in Sout
Installation of memorial table for Otto Warmbier Rest in Peace Warmbier. We will not forget your death. May the peace of God be with you and your family. And with the people in N.K. ... - [Student association for Human Rights in North Korea in SNU 서울대 북한인권연구회] set up a memorial table to mourn the death of Otto Warmbier at Central Library in Seoul National University. https://www.facebook.com/hr.nk.snu/posts/116438608967629
Statement to welcome the official visit of President Donald Trump to Korea ©shutterstock We welcome the official visit of President Donald Trump to Korea and kindly send this message to the American people. This is our earnest plea and notice to our dear Americans, 1. Please stop supporting the anti-US groups. And do not issue green card or visa for them. 2. The Republic of Korea is now in danger because itis occupied by Juche ideology followers. 3. The majority of Koreans support and love the US 4. Now is the time to declare freedom and truth and liberate the people in the slave country, Nort
c TRUTH FORUM Statement delivered at Press Conference on Feb 26, 2018 1. PyeongChang ‘Peace Olympics’ is a fraud! We denounce the Moon Jae-in administration for using the Olympic Games to make false peace with North Korea. The Munich Agreement that appeased Hitler for peace ended up in failure, which is followed by the Second World War. Likewise, while bluntly ignoring the realities of the totalitarian slave-state of North Korea and its devastating human rights violations, the Moon administration’s false peace narrative with North Korea is putting our national security and our liberal democrat
Truth Forum Statement in Opposition to the Constitutional Amendment TRUTH FORUM welcomes the news of the failure of the Moon administration in its attempt to change the Constitution within this coming June. The Constitution that embodies the Magna Carta should not be changed abruptly. A Constitutional amendment should be carried out when there are sufficient political stability and social integration. Since the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, the Korean public is divided in half, and there are widespread disappointment and distrust towards the government and politics. As such, it is ne
Truth Forum Statement Against the Queer Festival at Seoul Plaza 1. WE DENOUNCE Seoul municipal government for granting permission for the use of Seoul Plaza for the (19th) Seoul Pride event! More than 210,000 people have signed a petition on the website of the Blue House, opposing the Queer Festival taking place in Seoul Plaza. According to a recent survey of public opinion, 82.9% of Seoul residents view excessive exposure of body parts and selling of sex toys at queer-themed events as inappropriate, 67% showed negative opinions on Seoul city government granting the permission for the event to