[ 워싱턴 특별 세미나 안내]
-Subversion Threats to the Republic of Korea: Anti-state Forces, North Korea, and the Chinese Communist Party (대한민국 체제 전복 위협: 반국가세력, 북한, 그리고 중국 공산당)
일시: 2025.02.25 (화)
장소: Victims of Communism Museum, 2nd floor Conference Room
주최: Truth Forum
10:00 a.m. Registration
10:15 a.m. Welcome Remarks (VOC CEO, Tara O, Lee Jin-soo)
10:30 a.m. Panel presentation and Q&A
-Moderator: Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt, AEI
-Dr. Tara O, VOC Academic Council: Martial Law and the Impeachment Crisis
-David Kim, Truth Forum: Anti-state/pro-NK/pro-CCP forces in South Korea
-Gordon Chang: CCP influence in Korea
11:45 a.m. Break
12:00 p.m. Lunch
-Lunch speaker: Suzanne Scholte
12:30 p.m. End