Truth Forum Statement in Opposition to the Constitutional Amendment
TRUTH FORUM welcomes the news of the failure of the Moon administration in its attempt to change the Constitution within this coming June. The Constitution that embodies the Magna Carta should not be changed abruptly. A Constitutional amendment should be carried out when there are sufficient political stability and social integration. Since the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, the Korean public is divided in half, and there are widespread disappointment and distrust towards the government and politics. As such, it is neither reasonable nor appropriate to discuss the constitutional amendment at this time.
Furthermore, North Korea's nuclear threat has reached an unprecedented level, and there is no legitimate ground to hastily push for a constitutional amendment at this point, given the complicated and risky circumstance. The Moon administration should focus on normalizing socio-political situation, which has been mired by agitation and confusion rather than aggravating them further by discussing the constitutional amendment.
TRUTH FORUM urges the government to terminate all discussions regarding the constitutional amendment and announces the following statements.
1. We call for a thorough investigation into the illicit online opinion-manipulation scandal, by ‘Druking.’
The act of distorting online public opinion in favor of Moon has severely damaged the foundation of democracy. The act of manipulating the public opinion to find support for and to legitimize the current and future government policies is a serious fraud scheme. The online opinion-rigging scandal, now widely known as ‘Druking Scandal,’ has revealed the fact that the public has been instigated and public opinion has been manipulated, which in turn raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the impeachment of President Park and the19th Presidential Election. A special investigation of the government and those involved in the scandal is necessary. For this reason, it is inappropriate to discuss constitutional revision at this time!
2. We strongly oppose the constitutional amendment proposed by North Korea sympathizers.
Cho Kook, the current secretary of civil affairs in the Blue House, was involved in the case of the ‘South Korean Socialist Workers Alliance’ that sought a socialist revolution in South Korea in the early 1990s. Jeong Hae- gu, the head of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Revision, is widely known for his pro-North stance. He openly denies the legitimacy of the Republic of Korea and instead acknowledges that of the North.
We cannot trust any of the constitutional revision proposals made by those North Korea sympathizers, who have long strived to bring the North Korean regime to South Korea. It is highly conceivable that the foundational basis of the ROK can be distorted and destroyed in the hands of those pro-North parties, under the name of a constitutional revision.
3. North Korea is an anti-human rights regime! We oppose Federalist Reunification of the ROK and the DPRK!
Kim Jong-un’s totalitarian regime in the North is, without doubt, an anti-humanitarian regime. The United Nations has confirmed this fact through its Commission of Inquiry (COI) report. Reunification based on federalism means acknowledging or accepting this totalitarian slave-state as it is. The Federalist Reunification that approves of the North Korean regime is unacceptable! It is tantamount to becoming an accomplice to the crimes against humanity.
We strongly oppose the provincial decentralization, one of the highly controversial items among Moon administration’s constitutional revision proposals, which would pave the road to Federalist Unification!
4. We stand in complete opposition to all plans of the constitutional amendment! We oppose partial revisions and a promise of the deadline set for constitutional changes!
A Constitutional amendment should not take place under the pro-North Moon administration. Promising a time limit to the amendment is not proper as well. We also oppose the partial revisions on specific items, which can be detrimental. A secret pursuit of the parliamentary government system to aid partisan politics will only deepen the mistrust against the National Assembly. Therefore, we strongly request a ‘Commitment of Opposition to the Constitutional Amendment’ from each member of The Liberty Korea Party, and we summon the citizens of this nation to join us for this call!
5. There is a great concern about Inter-Korean Summit prepared by the pro-North government!
The Inter-Korean Summit should ensure improvements in human rights situations in North Korea and achieve a complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization. If the Inter-Korean Summit creates discord in the ROK-US alliance with false peace moves and propagandizes the anti-human rights regime of North Korea, the South Korean government will face grave consequences both domestically and internationally.
The ultimate liberalization of North Koreans and liberal unification of the Korean peninsula are the foundational values of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea since its very establishment in 1948. For this reason, there is significant concern over the current pro-North Moon administration which neglects the reality of North Korea and blindly pursues ‘peace treaty’ in vanity, which in turn can destroy the very grounds of our Constitution.
6. Bring forth polices for Reunified ROK!
A state that commits crime against humanity will fall to its doom. It is a call for justice under the universal values of human rights. Now is the time to liberate North Korea that is held hostage under the ideological deception of ‘Kim Il-sung Juche ideology.’ Given the devastating conditions under which the people of North Korea are suffering, the collapse of the North Korean regime is inevitable. We cannot delay liberation of North Korea any longer with false peace moves.
The National Assembly shall immediately stop discussions on the Constitutional reform, and make concerted efforts to provide practical measures to liberate North Koreans! Moreover, we urge the Members of the Assembly to bring forth policies for Reunified Korea which will lay the foundation of the unified Republic of Korea.
April 24, 2018