트루스포럼 - 진리가 너희를 자유케 하리라



Truth unites us.

While political views may differ, we all share a common thirst for truth. Truth is our guiding light—it has the power to heal divisions and set our nation on the right path forward.


Truth Forum began as an intercollegiate organization born out of a deep sense of crisis, recognizing that false narratives and inflammatory politics were eroding the very foundations of the Republic of Korea. We honor the proud history of Korea’s founding and economic development, built through the toil and sacrifice of our forefathers. At the same time, we acknowledge the unfinished task of liberating North Korea. To achieve this, we strongly support the ROK-U.S. alliance, which is rooted in shared values of freedom and truth. We also believe that the impeachment of President Park was unjust, as it was driven by media-driven misinformation and agitation.


Truth Forum welcomes all who share our five core beliefs, regardless of religious background, while upholding the Judeo-Christian worldview. Inspired by the Christian conservative movement, which continues to play a pivotal role in Western conservatism—including in the United States—we are committed to research, education, and advocacy. Our mission is to cultivate ideas, shape policies, and develop the next generation of leaders across all sectors of society, ultimately growing into a premier think tank.


Thank you.


David Eunkoo Kim
President, Truth Forum




Our Belief


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1. Recognizing the Foundations of the Republic of Korea


South Korea’s birth and rise is nothing short of a miracle—a story that stands as one of the most remarkable chapters in world history. Emerging from the devastation of World War II, the Republic of Korea was founded under the leadership of visionary figures like Syngman Rhee, guided by divine providence. Unlike North Korea, which embraced totalitarianism, South Korea chose the path of liberal democracy and a free-market economy, paving the way for unprecedented growth and prosperity.

Management guru Peter Drucker, often called “the man who invented management,” once described South Korea’s economic transformation under President Park Chung-hee as “the greatest miracle of mankind since World War II.” Indeed, the Republic of Korea’s success is a testament to the power of freedom, hard work, and leadership.


Yet, despite this extraordinary legacy, there are forces that seek to distort and undermine the very foundations of our nation. It is our responsibility to preserve and pass down the truth—to ensure that future generations understand the sacrifices and achievements of those who built this great nation.


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2. The Liberation of North Korea


Right now, at this very moment, horrific crimes against humanity are being systematically committed across North Korea. No other regime in the modern world matches its scale of oppression and brutality. For over three generations, the Kim family dictatorship has maintained the world’s longest-running totalitarian state, crushing the basic rights and freedoms of its people. The United Nations Commission of Inquiry has officially documented these atrocities, leaving no doubt about the regime’s crimes.


Yet, despite this undeniable reality, there are still pro-North sympathizers within South Korea who turn a blind eye to the suffering of the North Korean people. Through misguided policies like the so-called "Sunshine Policy," they have effectively enabled the dictatorship to survive while prolonging the misery of millions.


The liberation of North Korea is not just a moral imperative—it is the unfinished mission of our nation. Truth Forum is committed to raising awareness of North Korea’s human rights crisis, exposing those who defend or excuse the regime, and working with the international community to bring freedom to the people of North Korea.


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3. The Strength of the ROK-US Alliance


At Truth Forum, we firmly support a strong ROK-US alliance, which stands as the bedrock of South Korea’s national security. This alliance is not just a military partnership—it is a bond of shared values, built on a deep commitment to freedom and truth. The United States’ sacrifice for these ideals on the Korean Peninsula has not been in vain. The ROK-US alliance was forged in blood, and South Korea’s success today would not have been possible without America’s steadfast commitment. As allies, we must continue to move forward together, upholding the values that have made both our nations strong.


The Soviet Union, once our common enemy, has long collapsed into the ashes of history. But new threats have emerged, using the very freedoms of democracy to weaken us from within. In South Korea, socialist forces, fused with romantic nationalism, have worked to glorify the slave-state of North Korea, fueling anti-American sentiment and attacking the foundations of free democracy and the market economy. In the United States, socialism has rebranded itself, exploiting resentment and division under the guise of “love” and “peace” to push populist policies that threaten individual freedoms. We must recognize and resist these threats together.


The United States must also pay close attention to the political turmoil in South Korea. The battle being fought here is not just about Korea—it is about the fundamental values that define both our nations. The struggle for truth and freedom in Korea is directly tied to America’s own identity and mission. The fate of our shared values will shape the future of both countries, and we must stand united in defending them.


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4. Recognizing the Crisis of Our Time


Truth Forum was founded in response to the impeachment crisis, recognizing the serious flaws in the process and raising our voices against them. Forces that seek to undermine or even overthrow the Republic of Korea continue to exploit political and social issues to erode or replace our national identity.


The impeachment of President Park Geun-hye was one such event within this broader movement. We all remember the sensationalized false reports that dominated the media. But where was the sex tape that was supposedly so damning? Where was the 88 trillion won slush fund that was said to exist? Neither was ever found. Without an honest reflection on how this media-driven impeachment unfolded, true political reform in South Korea will remain out of reach.


The National Assembly caved to media pressure, rushing to approve the impeachment motion without verifying the facts. The Constitutional Court, instead of upholding justice, relied on false reports to make a politically charged ruling. Worse yet, we have witnessed ideologically biased legal professionals using the courts as political tools—ignoring facts, pushing distorted historical narratives, and threatening Korea’s very identity in the name of misguided justice.


Now is the time to face reality and stand together against falsehoods. Political opinions may differ, but our debates must be rooted in truth. The media, in particular, should serve as a neutral platform for truth, free from political manipulation. However, during the impeachment crisis, the massive Taegeukgi rallies—which reflected the voices of millions—were completely distorted or ignored by the press.


Truth Forum continues to speak out against the impeachment of President Park because we refuse to forget how falsehoods were used to manipulate the people. We believe in a society that is built on truth, not deception.


South Korea is far too vulnerable to orchestrated propaganda that turns the nation against itself. And if we do not recognize this crisis, it will happen again. Now, more than ever, we must be aware of the reality we face and work together to defend the truth.


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5. Christian Conservatism Rooted in the Judeo-Christian Worldview


Truth Forum upholds Christian conservatism, firmly grounded in the Judeo-Christian worldview. While our activities are open to all, we invite those who understand and respect this foundation to join us.

Christian conservatism is built on three fundamental principles:


  1. The dignity of human beings, created in the image of God.
  2. Responsible freedom, with the understanding that all will ultimately face divine judgment.
  3. Absolute truth, free from deception or distortion.


Rather than blindly trusting human reason to construct some man-made utopia, Christian conservatism humbly acknowledges human limitations and recognizes that there are realms in which God is at work beyond human control. If you respect the wisdom of past generations, value real-world results over ideological experiments, and believe in pragmatic and cautious governance, then you are a conservative.


Conservatism and the Judeo-Christian Worldview


Conservatism, as a political philosophy, began as a response to the secular radicalism of the French Revolution. It was not simply a rejection of change but a defense of God’s truth and natural human rights. Any discussion of conservatism that ignores the Judeo-Christian worldview is incomplete. Even Edmund Burke, the intellectual father of modern conservatism, argued against the Revolutionary preacher Richard Price, pointing out that Price’s ideas conflicted with the biblical principles of love and justice.


Conservatism and progressivism are not inherently opposing forces. If conservatism means protecting God's truth and natural rights, then every Christian is a conservative. Likewise, if progressivism means reforming the world according to God's will, then every Christian is also a progressive. True conservatism safeguards the dignity, responsible freedom, and truth upon which meaningful progress can be built. History teaches us that real progress is only possible when these fundamental values are preserved.


Defending Human Dignity, Freedom, and Truth


Conservatism stands against those who view human beings as mere products of materialistic structures. It proclaims that each person is created in God’s image and possesses inherent dignity. Conservatism also rejects the suppression of individual autonomy, defending the God-given responsibility of freedom against those who seek to impose social engineering and ideological control. Above all, conservatism stands against revolutionaries and opportunists who manipulate the truth for political gain.


Conservatism is inseparable from the Judeo-Christian worldview and biblical principles. Strong faith is the foundation of true conservatism. This is why the most aggressive attacks on conservatism often come from liberal theology, which distorts God’s word and replaces it with human-centered righteousness and secular moralism.


Liberal Theology and Its Connection to Leftist Ideology


Liberal theology has recklessly absorbed Marxist and postmodernist ideas, twisting human reason, emotions, and experiences to reshape Scripture. This distortion has directly fueled leftist political movements.


  • Queer theology manipulates the Bible to justify homosexuality.
  • Liberation theology and minjung theology place the love and care for the marginalized above God’s word, distorting Scripture to fit a socialist agenda.
  • Liberation theology reduces Jesus to a political revolutionary, stripping Him of His divine nature.


Liberation theology, often called “Marxism in Christian disguise,” evolved into minjung theology in South Korea, which eventually gave rise to juche theology, glorifying Kim Il-sung as a god-like figure. This ideology, deeply intertwined with North Korean propaganda, serves as a foundation for pro-Kim Il-sung movements under the guise of “people’s democracy.”


Restoring the Church and Resisting Deception


Confronting the harmful consequences of radical liberal theology is a sacred mission—one that is critical for restoring the Church in Korea and beyond. This fight is not just about theology—it is directly connected to the mission of liberating North Korea and protecting the integrity of our society.


One of the most pressing challenges facing the Korean Church today is the issue of the anti-discrimination law. This is not just about homosexuality—it is a spiritual battle against the deliberate distortion of Scripture. The same LGBT movement that reshaped Western Christianity is now facing strong resistance in Korea. This resistance is not accidental—God has given the Korean Church the mission of defending biblical truth against the excesses of liberal theology.


Truth Forum will remain steadfast in this fight, upholding biblical truth, the Judeo-Christian worldview, and sound faith.

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