Proclamation by Conservatives of the Republic of Korea/2019.05.21





Proclamation by Conservatives of the Republic of Korea


We are conservatives. We believe every person is created in the image of God and has dignity. We believe in freedom with responsibility and in truth. We humbly recognize human limitations and trust divine providence. We respect experiences and results with prudence rather than utopian social engineering. It is a lesson of history that only free democracy and free market system ensure prosperity with freedom and dignity.


However, the ghost of Marx is still haunting fed by hatred and anger. In South Korea, socialists with romantic nationalism have advocated for the slave-state of North Korea and denied legitimacy of the Republic of Korea established by the sincere support of Americans. Furthermore, they have incited anti-American sentiments and threatened free democracy and market economy. In the United States, socialism has been renewed among angry crowds to blind the American people with opportunistic populist policies masked in the name of ‘love’ and ‘peace’. We must confront this threat together. The United States should pay special attention to the current political turmoil in South Korea, because the fight that we are fighting now in Korea is about our shared values of freedom and truth, which are essential to the United States’ own identity and value system.

▲ 더글러스 맥아더 장군과 이승만 대통령. ⓒ맥아더 기념관 공개사진

 ⓒ맥아더 기념관 공개사진

The US-ROK alliance is a value-alliance where the common values of freedom and truth are shared. The noble sacrifice of Americans on the Korean peninsula has not been in vain. South Korea owes its growth and prosperity to American commitment and has testified to American values. We must continue to ‘go together’ in our shared values of freedom and truth.


After the Korean war, in his address in the US Congress, President Seungman Rhee expressed deepest gratitude to the Americans but also sorrow for the people of North Korea and China because they were left under the falsehood of communism. Years later, tens of millions of people died in China as a result of the great famine and cultural revolution. And North Korea has become the worst slave-state of our times. So we declare: Now is the time to liberate North Korea. The US-ROK alliance should remember this core mission. We also need to cooperate to help China not to revert back to the past but go forward in freedom and truth. 


So, here today, we, conservatives in the Republic of Korea, stand for a strong US-ROK alliance. The majority South Koreans are supporting a strong US-ROK alliance and we condemn all attempts to break it down. We declare that all people held as slaves within North Korea shall be free. We condemn all activities supporting the brutal regime of North Korea. We call for every people and every nation that defend freedom and truth to unite to achieve this mission. We invoke the gracious favor of Almighty God to accomplish this through the US-ROK alliance.


2019. 05. 21


David Eunkoo Kim

President of Truth Forum

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